Monday, September 29, 2008

Saving Money with Organic Boxes

Organic Boxes save money?

I've been having organic boxes delivered for many years on and off and I'm convinced that the advantages include saving money overall as well as all the other benefits. How can this be when organic vegetables are more expensive than non organic, and home delivery is an added luxury you may well ask. Well the way I see it, it's all about cultivating good habits. However independent, intelligent and resistent to advertising you might be, the big international supermarkets chains have spent millions on research into how to influence our behaviour. Once we step inside their stores we are vulnerable to all sorts of unconscious triggers and associations which will sooner of later cause us to by something that isnlt really needed, and will almost certainly fail to live up to its promise. So the less times you set foot inside a supermarket the more money you save, and having organic boxes delivered to the doorstep is one excellent defence mechanism.

Don't just believe me though, see this report as well, that backs up similar ideas and gives five good reasons why Organic Boxes save you money:

Organic Boxes Save Costs

organic boxes

Organic boxes can actually save you money as well as save the planet, according to the Manchester Evening News. A recent article suggests that many people are cutting back on buying organic in supermarkets and are looking round for cheaper solutions.

Organic Boxes - 5 ways they save you money

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Dartmouth Arms

I shall miss the Dartmouth Arms during September this year when the London Overground is having engineering works. We like to take what we call "the little train" to Gospel Oak and then walk across the bottom of Hampstead Heath to the Dartmouth and we invariably eat there as well as enjoying the fantastic range of draught and bottled ciders.

Favourite food items are

Six Oysters as a shared starter. Yum

Fish and Chips supper on a Friday

The Spanish Platter with serano ham and lovely pickles

Ah, and I've just remembered last time we ordered the English platter and this included a small mutton pie which was sublime. We'd like to know whose pie that was to see if its obtainable elsewhere at all.